When you gotta go, you gotta go.。 In broadcaster Joe Buck's case, this holds true even if you're in the middle of announcing a football game, The perennial Fox play-by-play man joined Dave Dameshek’s NFL Network show this week and shared the crazy story of a Packers game in 1994, when Buck just couldn't hold it any longer.
。 The broadcast booth at Milwaukee County Stadium, as it turns out, is nowhere near the bathrooms. With only 30-second breaks in the action, Buck couldn't make it there and back in time, so he pulled up a trash can instead.。 Thanks for signing up! 。 But the...process...took a bit longer than expected, so Buck hadn't finished by the time Brett Favre threw a touchdown pass.。 Here's Buck talking about the incident, and video of the call itself.。 By just listening, it's pretty much impossible to tell what was actually happening in the broadcast booth.。